Himalayan Expedition Attempts Cho Oyu

Janson Media today announced the release to worldwide television and video markets of Cho Oyu: West of Everest. The adventure film follows a team of climbers who experience firsthand the harsh reality of expedition life as they attempt to climb Cho Oyu, the sixth highest mountain in the world. Located 25 miles west of the famed Mount Everest, Cho Oyu remains obscure to those outside the mountaineering community. However, for individuals seeking the formidable test of high altitude climbing, Cho Oyu presents the perfect challenge. Known as the easiest of the 8,000-meter peaks to climb, Cho Oyu attracts over 2,000 people a year, creating potentially dangerous conditions - like those seen on Everest. In the rarified air above 26,000 feet there is only one essential understanding - nothing comes easy and nothing is predictable. From the exotic and bustling city of Kathmandu Cho Oyu: West of Everest follows the expedition as it travels through the lush lowlands of Nepal before crossing over the border into China. From here the team travels onto the Tibetan Plateau and onward to the great Himalayan mountain. It's a rugged journey, where landslides routinely destroy the road and the itinerary changes by the hour. But if getting to the mountain is difficult, one can only imagine what lies ahead on the peak itself. In the end only a small handful in this large expedition will make it to the summit. Cho Oyu: West of Everest won a Silver Telly Award for Sports Programming, and a Bronze Telly Award for Broadcast Documentary Programming. The film was produced and directed by Tim Boelter for Media Ventures. The film is available exclusively from Janson Media for all television and video markets worldwide.

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