Inspirational Film on Reformed Convict Recommended by All Movie Guide

The Janson Media DVD Racehoss: The Life of Albert Race Sample was recommended in a recent review by All Movie Guide. Directed by Sean Hepburn Ferrer (the son of Hollywood icon Audrey Hepburn), Racehoss tells the inspirational story of a multiracial man who emerged from an abusive childhood and troubled adolescence to become an award winning humanitarian. Sample went on to become the first ex-convict in Texas to work out of the Governor"s office and to serve on the staff of the State Bar of Texas. Racehoss is a befitting film for parents and teachers looking to engage children and young adults for Black History Month.

&'Acclaimed filmmaker Sean Hepburn Ferrer presents the life story of former convict turned do-gooder Albert Race Sample in the 2003 biographical documentary Racehoss. Sharing the name of Sample"s enormously popular book, Racehoss begins as Sample relates to an audience his frightening and troubled upbringing, which started in the neglectful and abusive care of his prostitute mother, &'Big Emma.&' As an passive participant in his mother"s dangerous lifestyle, Sample quickly developed into a social deviant in his own right, with one of his early formative experiences including his assault and stabbing of one his elementary school teachers. Shortly thereafter, Sample dropped out of school and was abandoned by age 12, leaving the young man homeless and a frequent traveler of the nation"s railway system — via boxcar. After a brief, yet tumultuous, stint in the army, Sample was sentenced to a 30-year prison term for an unidentified violent crime. After serving 17 years, he was paroled and found work in the Texas state prison system, and eventually turned his life around to become a high ranking official within the Texas Criminal Division. Racehoss was included in the program for the 2003 New York Independent Film and Video Festival.&' All Movie Guide

Launched in 1991 in Big Rapids, MI , All Movie Guide's original mission was to create books to help consumers find the 'best' music. But, as its databases grew, AMG saw they could be powerful tools for online retailers and entertainment destinations. Since then the company began licensing the All Music Guide, the All Movie Guide and even the All Game Guide to address growing markets, tripling the size of its staff. AMG licenses its entertainment content databases and technologies to a number of clients.

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