"Higher Ambitions" Awarded Prestigious CINE Golden Eagle

Janson Media and Media Ventures are pleased to announce that Higher Ambitions, a film by Tim Boelter, has won a prestigious CINE Golden Eagle Award. Higher Ambitions is a remarkable tale of adventure where beating the odds and a dogged persistence to overcome death-defying obstacles results in a history-making ascent of China"s Mt. Siguniang. It is an inspirational story of one man"s come back from a nearly life-ending injury and another man"s drive to get the first Chinese climber on the summit of this legendary peak. Highlighted by dazzling cinematography, precarious avalanche and rockfall footage, and a compelling story, Higher Ambitions leaves the audience white-knuckled and gripped. As one reviewer of the film writes, 'This film is excellent, truly excellent, in so many ways. The story is compelling. It places the technical aspects of climbing, without minimizing this dimension, in a larger human context, the desire to find meaningful work. The incredible beauty and immensity of the mountain is conveyed, as is the human story of the climb. It is a beautiful, informative and moving film.' Higher Ambitions marks the third feature-length documentary film Boelter has produced, filmed, directed, edited, and written since starting his company, Media Ventures, in 1997. The CINE Golden Eagle awards, distinguishing excellence in professional works, are recognized internationally as symbols of the highest production standards in filmmaking. Since its founding in 1957, CINE has been dedicated to discovering, rewarding, educating, and supporting established and emerging talent in film and video. Among great talents whose first major awards include the CINE Golden Eagle are Steven Spielberg, Ron Howard, and the great documentarian Ken Burns. In the Fall 2006 Competition, over 300 judges viewed and evaluated hundreds of distinguished entries. Entries are judged using the standards of overall excellence for writing, sound, editing, creativity, visuals, insights, and the extent to which the film meets its stated goals and communicates with its intended audience.

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